Monday, February 7, 2011

Coolness is Gone...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Well, I am wondering today if my coolness factor is completely 100% totally gone. Why, you might be asking? (I'm sure most of you would never think my coolness factor could be gone...ha!) I thought through most of my days...with 2 little precious faces my life and it's coolness might be gone.

Things that I do mostly every day:
1. Crawl like a horse as our 1st born rides and thinks its funny to "fall" off. Quite the workout.
2. All my shirts and really all parts of my clothing have become burp cloths and most of the time have some sort of spit up.
3. I sing songs with words like "wiggle, wiggle, waggle" in them.
4. I repeat words like nose, belly, eyes, and feet while pointing to mine and a 14 month olds.
5. My body is the newest jungle gym to crawl, poke, and pull.
6. I bought 3 different size diapers at Target the other day...1 because they were on sale, 2 because we will need them all.
7. I use scissors in every meal to cut up food.
8. I am hardly ever by, around, or on my cell phone.
9. I daily look up something in a book called Baby 411 or Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby.
10. I am a laudry company. Seriously.

So today I laughed as I wouldn't change any of those things for my "coolness" back. Just remember gals this summer you have to keep me "cool" by keeping me up on all the trends of music, fashion, lingo, etc...I'm sure the K2 girls leadership team will have a field day.

Be Awesome & Love Jesus,

kanakuk ashley robbins /
photo: / seller: artsyville / click
HERE to purchase this adorable print!

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