Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/5 Parents,
It's been another great POD day here at K2! For you new K2 parents you can look back to postings on July 27th, July 20th, or way back to June 8th for the explanation on POD days! They are basically the best invention (wait, not invention...idea) idea ever at K2. Thank you Debbie Jo White!

Devo: I Timothy...Instruction in Leadership.

Morning: Morning Pod of their choice. Treetops was cabins 1 and 2.

Afternoon: Afternoon Pod of their choice. Treetops was cabins 3 and 4.

Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Tonight Dr. Joe White keeps the 14 nighters in the girls gym for the Purity Talk and Seth Higgins, the K2 Assistant Men's director, speaks to the 28 nighters. For you new mommas and daddies of Term 5 kampers I pray that this night would be either a turning point or a continued launch for your sweet daughter(s). I pray that they would know full well that they are wonderfully made and that they are PRICELESS! Their worth is in a Heavenly Father that loves them. They are His Favorite...each one of them!!! I love thinking that I am God's Favorite but as are His other "kids." Love that!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

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