Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 6...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Term 45/5 Parents,
It's laundry day! That is what makes this day exciting!

Devo: Hebrews...Jesus: Absolute and Fully Sufficient.

Morning: Normal morning of classes. Cabins 11 and 12 were on Treetops.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon of classes.

Trips: Cabins 7 and 8 are at K-Wet.

Night: CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST! It was so much fun! We had cookies with icing and sprinkles to decorate with and carols. We also did a huge game of the game of a white elephant exchange. I don't know if you all have ever played it but it was a blast! We had all the girls wrap a "gift." It could be an old tshirt they didn't want, play dough they got in the mail, headbands, nailpolish, just all kinds of goofy stuff. It was a riot! They had a blast!

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

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