Hey K2 Parents,
I'm getting caught up...computers were down last night...so sorry...here I go...can you tell I'm typing so fast...
Devo: Esther 2:1-14 (Don't know if I mentioned the girls are studying Esther...I'm sure you picked that up :)
Verse of the Day: Romans 12:2
Morning: POD DAYS. Okay POD days are basically a change mid week in their normal schedule. They pick a morning pod: BMX biking, Dogwood canyon, archery/sporting clays, meat 4 meat (memorize scripture and get to go to Pizza Hut by boat ride), mentoring 101, great questions, different sports pods if you want more sport time, canoe/bluff jumping, and the list has like 10 more options...KAMPERS AND STAFF LOVE POD DAYS. They are a blast. They get a special treat and again it just breaks up the week a bit.
Afternoon: They go to their afternoon POD choice they chose online. Again, I can't tell you how great POD days are.
Treetops: off.
Trips: (no trips or treetops so that everyone can go to their pod choice)
Night: K-LIFE. Dr. Joe White spoke about Creation. He rode in on a Harley and did his talk under the stars at the football fields of K2. It's an awesome awesome night!!!I pray each gal knows that God created everything but specifically created each gal to be exactly as she is!! It's a great message that Joe brings science in and makes it personal all at the same time.
We are all having a blast and please let us know if we can do anything for you!
Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins
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