SUNDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We adore Sundays! I really really do at this point of being 6 months preggo and the heat being just lovely and so a morning to sleep in is like oxygen to my life for this momma! The kampers don't seem to mind too much either! Here is the scoop of the day:
Devo: none (church day...which sounds funny to type...they don't have an official devo day in our official book but we have devo time)
Verse of the Day: none. no classes.
Morning: Sleep in, coffee cake, and church. We had 2 staff speak and they did great. Before church we also had our K2 rules talk/ministry safe talk this morning to our new kampers. It's always a fun time with just me and all the new kampers. I turn on my craziness and we laugh alot even if we are going through "rules." It's tons of fun!
Afternoon: We had a chill day of ALL our water stuff opened. It was so great! We always have sno cones and the dock was hopping too with a BMX ramp off the dock...don't gasp! :) As far as I know no one got hurt and I'm sure they had a ball!
Trips: None.
Treetops: none.
Night: PARTY! We had our Dr. Blaster's Digital Disaster (aka: Nerd party). I have never seen so many kampers dress up for a party! They loved the nerd outfits and everyone was dressed! It was by far my favorite party of the summer. We had life size battleship with water balloons, awkward dancing 101, played ultimate frisbee with a squid (not alive) and then danced the night away at the end. It was so much fun!
Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins
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