Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
What a day! It's been great! Lots of smiles and a smaller camp with our whole month long kampers on 2 different trips today. It's weird with just 16 cabins...

Devo: Esther 3:1-15
Verse of the Day: Mattew 5:44

Morning: Normal morning of classes 1-3.

Afternoon: Normal afternoon of classes 4-6.

Trips: Cabins 17 and 18 gals headed to K-Wild and cabins 19 and 20 gals headed to K-Wet for a 2 night trip. (K-Wild is just 1 night)

Treetops: Cabins 13 and 14.

Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Adam Donyes is speaking tonight. He heads up the Kanakuk Link Year and I can't remember what his message is on tonight but he's always a fav speaker for our kiddos. I'm sure it will be so great!

Window to their World, 

kanakuk ashley robbins

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