Well today as a part of our Robbins' Advent Calendar and our local churches "Giving Tree" our family is taking food to a family in our town. I love this program at our church and actually was so floored last week when our pastor shared that all the envelopes they had were picked up and taken care of by the end of our 1st service. They literally had to go find more families that are in need this season. Wow!
As I packed the bags of food we purchased for them I was so so convicted of my flesh...why does it take a church campaign with a cute logo and poster to make me find a family in our town that needs food. Don't get me wrong I love that my church does it and they should and we will always take a family each year...but should it have to be designated to a month of the year, a time of jolly and cheer...or should it be my heart always seeking those opportunities to feed others, provide shelter, or meet folks' physical needs. That people will see Jesus in those moments...
Today, what if we have our own "giving trees" each month, each day and vowed to not miss opportunities to show Jesus and His love to the least of these...and "the least" can be defined in many, many ways...
Be awesome & Love Jesus,

kanakuk ashley robbins
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