Hey Kanakuk Moms and Dads,
Here is the run-down of today. I can't believe that we have less than a week till you all come. I believe (I'll post details on Friday) that we are trying to have most kampers leave on Saturday, July 18 after the big K2 awards ceremony. Obviously we will keep the kampers that have flights or travel schedules that make them unable to leave. I promise the kampers won't miss anything. All we do the next morning is to have the kids up and pass out all their emails, take pictures, and say goodbye (oh, and feed them breakfast). Anyways, I'll post details soon...
Verse: Proverbs 10:17: "He who heeds discipline shows the way of life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray." (I'm sure all you parents are LOVING that we studied this verse today!)
Morning/Afternoon: Well, besides being laundry day it's a great normal day! We have all our classes and great cooled down weather!
Night: It's Woman Night here at K2. We have the UC (unit coordinator gals. They each have 4 cabins that they help oversee) plan a fun night for each of their units. Here is what each set of cabins did:
Cabin 1-4: game night and "extreme counselor makeover" (hysterical!)
Cabin 5-8: random fact night on each counselor to be able to have a water balloon fight and smores
Cabin 9-12: Craft night and smores. The girls made bows, bracelets and scrapbook cards. Then had smores and praise and worship down at the dock.
Cabin 13-16: Princess night. These gals dressed in princess dresses and had a pink night. They got to watch Princess Diaries and have special trail mix blend. Yummy!
Cabin 17-20: (17-18 were on trip) It's just 19 & 20 and since they are missing tomorrow night's movie night so they watched a movie in the AC in our chapel.
All in all it was such a fun night!
Window to their World,
Kanakuk Ashley Robbins
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