Monday, October 5, 2009

Got a Date?...

Hey Kanakuk Friends,
I hope you all had a great weekend. I had a total girls weekend with 3 great friends as we headed to Chicago for lots of shopping! It was such a blessing to be with them and just have great fellowship time. It made me miss summer because of the fellowship we are all surrounded by in the summer with you all! I just love kamp friendships!

Okay, so you might be wondering about the picture...I did a post on this last year and got a lot of emails back so I guess I wanted to post again on the same type of subject. The subject being: not being asked to Homecoming/Prom (spring)/or any other dance/event that a boy typically asks a girl. Oh, my sweet friend, I know this can be a hard deal. All your friends have been asked or have boyfriends and then there's YOU. You keep hoping for a certain boy to ask only to find out he asked another girl in your math class. You keep thinking you'll just go with a group of your girl friends but then as weeks pass the "group" of them is only you because they all decided to go with dates. I know right now it seems so hard and so HUGE that you didn't get asked but I promise someday (hopefully sooner than later) it will not feel as HUGE as you thought. The picture above is of Shay and I from the summer (Amigos, Amigos, Amigos Party night) and I love this picture simply because of his hand on my back. In junior high I was so not the girl that ever got asked to dances. I was pretty awkward, braces, and crazy 80's bangs...well, let's be honest, all that continued through high school too. I just was never THAT girl that guys asked on dates. I "dated" (if you can call it that) only 1 boy in high school (quite a comical story now) and I asked both prom dates to prom (both as friends but still I asked them). I don't tell that to "woah is me" your heart...I tell you that to say that God is so cool because the whole time in my awkward 80's hair day days was writing my journey to, first, Himself and then second, to my husband. He knew the Friday nights when I was kicking it at the Medlin household in Cabot, AR with my mom and dad! He knew the college years when I was the dateless girl at the sorority functions. HE KNEW. So my sweet dateless girls...hang in there. Don't be discouraged. God is writing your journey and your mighty works that He has planned for you. I wish I could call Zac Efron and have him be all of your dates for your Homecoming Dance (if only Zac loved Jesus...not that he doesn't, I just don't know if he does?) and you could dance like he and Gabriela did in HSM3 on the rooftop...innocently and preciously (not a word but go with it). So summary: It's okay if you don't have a date for the 9th grade Homecoming dance...or any other grade for that matter. You are the apple of God's eye and he is enthralled with your beauty.

* If you do have a date, that's so great too! Just so you know...just wanted to write about not having one b/c that tends to be harder.

Be awesome & Love Jesus,


Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful, inside & out! How precious these words are.

Meredith Looney said...

I just loved reading this because I always, always looked at you at kamp wondering, 'When is that perfect guy going to come along for Ashley? She deserves it, she's waited, stayed pure and true to Him, and it's TIME!' And look how perfect it all turned out... so well worth the wait- and I know you know that better than anyone! You are so, so right on target with this dance saga... I've TOTALLY been there and it's true- SO not a big deal later, but seems like the end of the world at the time. Your words are so needed by high school girls- a blessing you are!! Miss you!

DeAnna Lee Pope said...
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