Monday, April 18, 2011

Meet the Team of 2011: Betsy...

 Hey K2 Kanakuk Gals,
Part 3...I'm somewhat sweating as I type this because I'm nervous (which this person does that too when she is nervous). Why am I so nervous? Well, because there is so much I could type on this person but I'm nervous she will call me with a good 'ole Boone, North Carolina whoopin'! Here goes...

Betsy Bolick is our Office Discipleship Leader this summer. She actually has a ministry that YOU HAVE TO CHECK OUT HERE.  She speaks around the nation/world about the 785.67 miracles that the Lord has truly done in her life. She also speaks on the Word, Jesus, hope and being awesome (like how to be awesome!). If you need a D-Now speaker, church guest speaker, girls weekend, staff retreat speaker...CALL HER. She.IS.A.MA.ZING.

She is small but sassy...hence the "Small Enough" ministry title. She can whip any guy staff member into shape that needs it and she is one of my heros and dear, dear friends. She has a twin who coaches 8th grade boys basketball but the twin is a girl. Good luck figuring that one out. She has a dad who loves Lambert's and the throwed rolls. Her mom was a nurse the summer K2 got hit with the H1N1 swine flu stuff and so therefore now has never been back. Don't blame her! Haha! All in all...Betsy Bolick you are the wind beneath my wings.

You can email her at if you would like her to speak at anything.
Be Awesome & Love Jesus, 

kanakuk ashley robbins /
photos: betsy's facebook page

1 comment:

Molly said...

Ah! Precious! and SO PERFECT to have Bets on Leadership Staff! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

Office gals 2011 are going to get their socks blown off!!!