Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Wow, you are like coming tomorrow...crazy. After this post I will post the closing ceremony details so stay tuned for all the details of tomorrow.
Here is the day:
Devo: Galations...Freedom.
Morning/Afternoon: POD DAY. I think I have explained pod day but every Wednesday we have a "different/special" day at K2. All the kampers on day 2 signed up for a morning pod and afternoon pod. Pods are:
kayak/bluff jumping
meat for meat (memorize God's Word and you go to Pizza Hut for a meal)
great questions
extra tennis or basketball
pool fun and sun (we on POD day treat pool fun and sun like Kanakuk Resort and bring them ice water and fun smoothies)
And many many more pod options...so it's a fun change and the kampers LOVE pod days. Make sure you ask your daughter which ones she did.
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Dr. Joe White shared his purity talk with our kids and it's always an amazing night. Joe flows scripture during his whole talk and spoke on how priceless each one of them is. He also hit on who is sitting on the throne of their hearts...themselves or the Lord. It was awesome!
You are coming so soon...can't wait! But yet I can wait because it's been an awesome term!
Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins
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