Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Our K2 Worship Leader = AWECREPIC...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Okay, this blog is totally all about your kids in the summer but I could not do this on this day. Brady Toops is our worship leader at Kamp. He was last year and came back this year. HE IS GIFTED is all I can say. The Lord has given him such a heart to be all in to the Kingdom and he engages the kampers to see Jesus...not him. He TODAY just launched (I have no idea the word I'm wanting here) his newest CD on iTunes. Above is a little sneak peek at his music and if you want to be the cool mom or dad or grandpa go to iTunes and buy his album and when your kids/grandkids come home be jammin' out to him....it will be awecrepic!

You can also buy his album and send it to your kamper here...they would be the coolest kid in the cabin. Promise! Okay, I can't promise that but I would be there friend! Truly he is amazing and comes to kamp each summer to lead hearts closer to the Father.

(p.s. Brady is also pretty famous for a hit from when he played at University of Arkansas (GO HOGS!) so he is athlete and musician!)
(p.s.s who does p.s.s. I feel 13 years old. I adore the songs Lift Your Eyes and Song of Moses! HEART THEM)

SIDE NOTE: i just checked iTunes (it's 8:20 am) and the new album isn't quite up but it will be today at some point. I have no clue how iTunes works...

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

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