1st day of normal schedules that they picked online this year! It's so great that the online scheduling worked and now kids literally hand pick their schedules!
Devo: Esther 1:1-21 (our devo book is on Esther this year)
Verse of the Day: Proverbs 16:18
Morning: Normal morning of periods 1-3
Afternoon: Normal afternoon of periods 4-6
Trips: Girls cabins 9 and 10 headed out to K-Wet. K-Wet is our 1 night trip where they do all things lake/water and then have a major bonding experience of the K-Wet Challenge Course. It's awesome!
Treetops: Cabins 19 and 20.
Night: K-LIFE TONIGHT! Oh, sweet klifes! K2 kids love K-life nights! Crazy dance music, silly videos, amazing worship with Brady Toops and Moriah Peters (moriah is a guest for a few k-lifes and I'm now obsessed with her cd...yes, I still have cd's), and DON FORD spoke. I must admit I am not in there for every K-life but I know it's life changing!!! He is the President of AfterDark, a sister ministry of Kanakuk and he is the Assistant to the Director at K2. He's awesome!
Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins
Thank you so much for this blog! LOVE it!!!
Thank you so much for this blog! LOVE it!!!
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