Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8...

Hey K2 Kanakuk Parents,
Our last POD day of the weird!!!! I just can't believe it!

Devo: Esther 9:20-32
Verse of the Day: Romans 12:12

Morning: Normal POD schedule.

Afternoon: Normal POD afternoon.

Trips: Non (trips are all done)
Treetops: None (treetops is all done)

Night: FINAL TRIBALS. This night the kampers all split into their tribes for their last rally as just Kiowas, Kickapoos, Cherokees and Choctaws. It's a fun last kamper night. After they rally and have their last little devo time together they come up for Ice Cream Sundays! Yummy!!!

Okay, stay tuned for the closing ceremonies schedule...

Window to their World,

kanakuk ashley robbins

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